Ebook Download City

Hey, everyone.

Yesterday was a bit hectic. My first book, Truss Rods Made Easy launched and was available here for free download. Other than one small hiccup for the very early risers/GMT+9ers, things went really well. 

To those of you who have already downloaded, I'll say a hugely genuine, "thank you." I really appreciate your taking the time and trusting me. I hope you like the book and find it useful. I'd love to hear any feedback or thoughts you might have. I'm gerry@hazeguitars.com.

Thanks also to everybody who tweeted, liked, +ed, and emailed. Cheers. You guys rock! I understand word is spreading through a few forums already which is great—feel free to tell your own forumfriends, your redditpals, or your stumblechums.  ;-)

As this is a digital download, I'm relatively sure I won't run out of stock so I'm hoping that more and more people will continue to download over the coming months and years. In time, perhaps we can make the world a truss rod-friendly place. I have a dream, people!

Thanks again everyone.

If you haven't downloaded your copy, or you had any problems, pop here and have a go.