Thank you

It’s been something of a topsy-turvy few weeks for me and that’s had an impact on things at Haze Guitars. Sorry about that. 

If you’ve been good enough to accommodate me and reschedule appointments, thank you so much for your patience and understanding. And, if I’ve neglected to get back to anyone recently, I’m sorry and I’ll do my best to rectify that as things get back on an even keel around here. 

Thanks for your trust

As is (rightfully) customary for me at this time of year, I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who’s trusted me with their precious instruments over the last year. I know what that means and I really appreciate it. I say it every year, and I mean it every year, thank you. Thank you very much. 

Haze Guitars will be closed until January 3rd, 2018 and I’m looking forward to getting back to working on some guitars. 

Happy Christmas to you all. I’ll see you next year and, until then, find someone you care about and give them a hug. 
