Stuff I'm Digging: Wicklow Wolf Beer

Stuff I’m Digging is just a way to talk to you guys about something I’m enjoying at the moment. This might be guitar-related, or music-related, or it might just something cool that I like and want to share.

Wicklow Wolf

You know those taster guys that can tell you all about the myriad aromas and palate-stimulating impressions of a wine, or beer, or whatever? Yeah, I’m not one of those. I only have the vaguest idea what ‘mouthfeel’ is (and I’m not sure I like the sound if it).

I am an experienced drinker of beer, however, and I knows what I likes.

And I likes this.

Wicklow Wolf is an Irish microbrewery (sorry non-locals—I’ll try for something more international another time). They’re relatively new and they’re really good.

They've released a number of different brews and I’ve liked everything they’ve done (you may have seen me tweet a photo or two as I relaxed, with one Wolf or an other, on a Saturday evening). This new one, however, has already become a staple at Haze HQ.

Yum, yum.

Yum, yum.

Elevation Pale Ale is fantastic. Nicely hoppy, a little bit malty, and a lot of fruitiness. Splendid. 

Oh, and if and you prefer your pale ales with a more Indian leaning, the Wolf's IPA is delicious too. It's got a properly hoppy bitterness and a lovely sharp grapefruity thing going on (yeah, I know what I said about 'tasting' but even I can figure this out). Refreshing and tasty. What more do you want in a beer?

I dig me a Wolf.

You won’t find them everywhere but they seem to be spreading out. Most of the good off-licence chains seem to have ‘em. Oh and remember to drink responsibly. Don’t get hammered and start fights, or drive cars, or puke in my garden.