Sketchy Setups Launch - The Day After


Sketchy Setups launch day is over and all I can say is, "Wow."

It was quite a day but everything went great.

Thank you all very much and, of course, if you were good enough to buy Sketchy Setups, thank you very, very much. 

I'm hugely proud and happy with how things went on launch day. It was a bit of a whirlwind of answering email questions, hustling out updates on social medial, updating feeds, and dealing with — only occasional — problems (not like last time I did a launch and PayPal's API processing went down for four hours — stressful). 

All of the guides are doing brilliantly but I thought I'd share a couple of interesting early statistics:

  • The Sketchy Setups Bundle (all four guides) has been the most popular seller so far — it's sold over 50% more than the next most popular. I think it's a great deal and it looks like people agree. 
  • And, after the bundle, the winner in the Sketchy Setups single-sales category is Sketchy Setups #4: The Fender Precision and Jazz Bass. I'm not really surprised by this one as bassists tend to get forgotten about when it comes to setup instruction. I felt very strongly about including a bass guide in this series and I'm really glad to see it's proving popular. 

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you. You guys rock. 

If you haven't already bought but would like to, you can learn more and buy a copy (or four) at the Sketchy Setups page. 

If you aren't currently in a position to buy, but would like to help out, it would be really, really helpful if you could share on Facebook or Twitter or wherever you like to hang out. 

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Cool guitar and bass setup guides for specific instruments. No filler—just the stuff for your guitar.

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Finally, a setup guide just for my bass. Sketchy Setups for Fender P and J-Basses.

Or just give a shout out. Thank you.