Season's Greetings and Thank You

Excellent colouring by Eimear.  :-)

Excellent colouring by Eimear.  :-)

Season’s greetings, all. Ho ho ho and all that.

It’s that time of year again. As Santa rocks and rolls, I take a few days off. The only guitar I’ll be touching over the next few days is my own. There is turkey that must be consumed and interesting ales that must be drunk, so:

Haze Guitars will be closed from 23rd December, opening again on January 4th.

I’ll be hitting the ground at a sprint in January. The traditional Haze Setup Sale will run all through January. More on that in a few days—stay tuned.

Thank you

Also traditional—and hugely important—as the year draws to an end, I want to say a massive and sincere ‘thank you’ to everybody who’s trusted me with their instruments over the last year. I understand these instruments mean a lot to you and it means a lot to me that you trusted me with them. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope I was able to help out.

Happy Holidays

So, to you all, a happy Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, Saturnalia, Solstice, Newtonmas, Rod Serling’s Birthday, or whatever you happen to celebrate around this time of year. Or, if you don’t celebrate anything around now, just have a nice day. 

Cheers, everyone.