Rock-n-Jock Softball Tournament

Tomorrow, 7th June, brings the Rock-n-Jock Softball Tournament. This should be a great day of live bands playing great music, BBQs, cake sale, and loads of raffle prizes. Oh, and a bundle of men and women looking sporty and skilful as they wield baseball bats and possibly endanger passers-by.  ;-)

The whole thing is in aid of premature babies, so it's a fantastic cause and you'll be helping out even as you have fun. Everyone's a winner. They even have crèche facilities on site.


Details: 7 June 2014, Blackrock Rugby CLub. Proceeds to support Premature Babies. For all details, contact Bill Bradley at 085 836 3341, or Softball Leinster at

The triumphant softball winners will be presented with this handsome trophy (specially made to embody the deep synergy between softball and rock 'n' roll): 



OK, I'm not really sure about 'deep synergy' but I think it's pretty handsome considering it's the first trophy I've made. 

So then, if you're around Blackrock tomorrow, pop along, rock out, chill out, have a burger, and help premature babies.  
