News: Sonic Highways

Dave Bloody Grohl. He’s always so bloody annoying, going about being good at stuff. Being all talented, and seeming like a nice guy. God, I hate him. ;-)

And now there’s this. Sonic Highways is a documentary by Grohl and the Foo Fighters. Released by HBO, it’s a series of shows exploring American music and its ‘geography’. The inspiration and recording of the Foo’s new album is also documented as they glean inspiration from the music of each city they visit.

It's been showing in the US (and is available on HBO Go) for a little while and I understand that BBC4 has shown a couple. Oddly, BBC seem to be releasing the middle of the series on iPlayer only. Hmmm. Anyway, if you've got access to BBC iPlayer, I suggest you go watch it before it disappears.

Take a look at the trailer and get a feeling for the depth and breadth of the show.

Bloody, Grohl.


UPDATE: Post updated mere minutes after it was originally published to reflect the fact that Sonic Highways is available through BBC iPlayer. Oh, and to change the stupid auto-corrected 'Growl' back to 'Grohl'. Grrr.