Joe Bonamassa In My Virtual Shop-Window

I'm off to see Joe Bonamassa play in Dublin's Vicar Street next week (Thursday, 7th if you're interested). This is a very good thing. I like Joe Bonamassa - for some musicians, the guitar is a tool only; a means to an end. Best I can tell though, Joe Bonamassa is a guitar geek. And, as a guitar geek myself, I like it when I see it in others.

So, when I had a call asking if I'd mind popping some flyers up in my workshop to help promote the gig, I was happy to help. And I figured that, since this site is my virtual shop-window, I'd pop up a flyer here too.

As well as being a guitar geek, Bonamassa's not half bad at playing the thing either and it seems that, if you haven't already got a ticket, you might still be in with a chance to do so.

Now, if I could just get him to play one of my guitars on stage…  ;-)