Amazing Super January Guitar & Bass SETUP SALE
Guitar And Bass Setup Sale
Half-price or 2 for 1 on guitar setups. We know that January can sometimes be a slow month for gigging musicians. Why not make the most of that downtime to have your instruments professionally set-up?
And, we also know that for some, January can be the first month with a spanking new Christmas guitar or bass (you lucky people, you). Well, a good setup can help get the most from your new pride and joy.
So then, for the month of January, Haze Guitars is offering:
The Amazing Super January SETUP SALE.
Any guitar or bass setups booked and dropped in January will be charged at half-price. If you've more than one guitar, this means it's two for one.
You can get yourself two guitars setup for the, non-princely, sum of €45. Halve that for one.
Make the most of a slow month. Make the most of your guitar. Drop us a line and get set up.
You'd be mad not to.